"One For Two" Event on August 22, 2009 @ Super Shoebiz, 1420 Haight ST. from 12pm to 6pm
Local Bay Area Artists will customize any TOMS shoes purchased that day! ARTISTS: Romi Acosta, Sandra, Crockett & Yuka
With every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need. One for One. Shoebiz will also match every pair of shoes sold in-store.
So your purchase will provide not only one, but TWO children in need of shoes!
Between 08/22/09 thru 09/22/09 Shoebiz & YAP will customize any TOMS purchased online FREE, and will give a pair to an orphanage. See details at www.shoebizsf.com
So come support a better tomorrow!