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Celebrating 60 Years of Soles & Stripes

Join ShoeBiz & adidas Originals to celebrate adidas' 60th year in the biz! At 1420 Haight ST July 18th 1pm to 6pm[gallery link="file"] Show us your creative skills by contributing our shoe mural and watch our guest artist the iconic 60 year mural. Enjoy beats by DJ Herb Diggs and drinks on adidas Enter to win a pair of Diamond Superstars!(Retail $600) Receive a 60 year Shirt with purchase over $50 Shoebiz will make a donation to Youth Against Poverty equal to the amount of sales during the event. Quest Artist Kris Mestiz0

All Day I Dream About Summer

ShoeBiz adidas Concept Store on Haight Street presents a unique collection of artwork in the upcoming show "All Day I Dream About Summer" opening Thursday, June 11th. The group show puts together emerging San Francisco based artists whose styles and forms range from illustration, digital multimedia, photo realism, acrylic, oil and hand sewn work. What will be most evident in this installation is the excitement for this group of artists, who love sneakers, to work with ShoeBiz adidas, who love to support local artists. There is, to say the least, a harmony in the sum of these parts that come together in the name of cutting edge, fun, nostalgia, hope...and summer. The art show will run from June 11 to July 16. The theme of the show celebrates Summer in San Francisco- the special edition of summer that only, as local artists would know, includes the fog, Golden Gate park, tourist overload and the mixtapes. The gallery looks to attract shoe fiends, art collectors, street culture aficionados, and adidas fanatics alike. The exhibit also presents itself as an opportunity for ShoeBiz's to carry out philantrophic fundraising efforts for the organization, Youth Against Poverty. ShoeBiz will match dollar for dollar any artwork sold to aid orphanages in Africa. The plan for a matching program is motivated by the values to promote the artists as well as participating in a humanitarian cause. It is a critical time in which to do both. Come through and come true to celebrate art, music, life and summer in the city!