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Japan Relief Earthquake Fund

A few weeks ago, while I was in Berkeley, Ca., I came across a store that had a flag of Japan on the display window on the corner of Telegraph Avenue & Park Street. As I went in, I realized that the store was set up like a bazaar. The Japanese community of Berkeley were selling their goods and valuables, such as crafts, hats, jewelries, clothes, shoes, and books, away to raise funds for Japan. I was very inspired by this, and that is how I had the idea of donating our proceeds from the TOMS Event a couple weeks ago to Japan Relief.

The store has its own website that tells you directly where to donate for Japan relief. All proceeds will go to the Japan Red Cross Society. Click here to donate and make a difference.

Onitsuka Tiger X YAP X ShoebizSF


YAP has joined forces with Shoebiz and Onitsuka Tiger to bring awareness about the Japan earthquake and tsunami. Our goal is to raise money to help kids who lost their parents and families during the devastation. Help us to spread the word and if you want to help, just send me an email at, and I will guide you to reliable organizations where you can safely send your donations. To find out more, you can also go to and

Come to the Japan Earthquake Relief Fund


When: Saturday, March 26.

Where: ShobizSf Noe Store (3810 24th Street, San Francisco, CA)

Event Hours: 11-5

For every pair of TOMS sold, TOMS will give a pair of shoes to a child in need and Shoebiz will donate two pairs to the Japan Earthquake Relief Fund.

Come and get your TOMS shoes painted by local bay area artists.