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TOMS Shoes

Come to the Japan Earthquake Relief Fund


When: Saturday, March 26.

Where: ShobizSf Noe Store (3810 24th Street, San Francisco, CA)

Event Hours: 11-5

For every pair of TOMS sold, TOMS will give a pair of shoes to a child in need and Shoebiz will donate two pairs to the Japan Earthquake Relief Fund.

Come and get your TOMS shoes painted by local bay area artists.


The TOMS Event Was a Success

I want to thank everyone who participated in the event by buying TOMS shoes. Now we are able to give 197 pairs of shoes to orphans and children in need. TOMS shoes will match every shoe sold to a child in need and Youth Against Poverty will give every money raised to the orphanages and organizations that we support.


Youth Against Poverty in collaboration with TOMS Presents

"One For Two" Event on Oct 24, 2009 @ Noe Shoe Biz, (3810 24 Street, San Francisco), from 11 to 5 P.M.

With every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need AND Youth Against Poverty will encourage Shoebiz to match dollar for dollar for all sales of TOMS shoes that day to the orphanages that I am working with.

Local Bay Area artists will customize any TOMS shoe purchased that day! Artists are: Romi Acosta, Sandra Crockett, & Yuka

Come to this event on October 24, buy a shoe, get it painted, and make a difference to the ones in need!!

I will be there in person to educate and to pass out more information about YAP. Hope to see you there!